понедељак, 3. март 2014.

Visit in Belgrade - Tašmajdan

Visit in Belgrade - Tašmajdan


EN // The word tašmajdan means rock quarry or rocky field in Turkish, therefore the entire neighbourhood, with the quarry itself, was named Tašmajdan. A graveyard was formed in the area during the eighteen-twenties, remaining there until 1886. Tašmajdan was designed as a city park by the general urbanist plan from 1950, with a sports and recreation centre at its lower end. The initial plans for part of the park were drawn by the architect Aleksandar Đorđević, while the horticultural plans were drawn by the engineer Vladeta Đorđević. The construction of the water cascades was cancelled during the works, replaced by floor greenery that represents the main motif of the park today.

SR // Reč tašmajdan, na turskom jeziku, znači kamenolom, kamenito polje, i zato se čitav kraj, sa majdanom, nazivao Tašmajdan.Na tom prostoru je krajem dvadesetih godina 19. veka formirano groblje koje je tu ostalo do 1886. godine. Generalnim urbanističkim planom iz 1950. godine Tašmajdan je uređen kao gradski park, u čijem se nižem delu nalazi sportsko-rekreativni centar. Prvobitni projekat za deo parka izradio je arhitekta Aleksandar Đorđević, a plan ozelenjavanja inženjer Vladeta Đorđević. Tokom radova odustalo se od vodenih kaskada, koje su zamenjene parternim zelenilom koje danas predstavlja glavni motiv parka.

See all places to visit in Belgrade at - http://en.rentapartmani.com/visit-in-belgrade.html
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