уторак, 25. март 2014.

morning traffic in belgrade

morning traffic in belgrade

morning #traffic in #belgrade - photo by https://www.flickr.com/photos/vitar/
 RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

четвртак, 20. март 2014.

Belgrade Wins Tourism Oscar as Best Place for Tourism in South-East Europe


Belgrade, Serbia -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/20/2014 -- Belgrade has been proclaimed the best tourist place in South Eastern Europe (SEE) in a tourism action to pick the best in SEE tourism in 2013 carried out by Sacen International, an international center for tourism and hospitality development based in Serbia.

Sacen decided that Turkey was the best tourist destination and Banja Vrucica (Bosnia-Herzegovina) the champion of health tourism in the past year.

The champion of domestic hospitality is Hotel Belvedere in Ohrid, Macedonia, the best in the cultural tourism category was Croatia's Dubrovnik, and the best in the ethno-tourism category was the Babina Reka village in Serbia.

The best SEE restaurant was 'Catovica mlini' in Morinj (Montenegro), Belgrade-based Kon Tiki Travel was the best tourism agency, and the scientific and educational institution of the year award went to the Hospitality and Tourism School Vrnjacka Banja.

A special award went to Belgrade's Hotel Slavija for 50 years of operation in the hotel industry.

“This is a strong sign that Belgrade is becoming the leading city in the region regarding tourism” said Milos Kraguljac, Belgrade vacation rental portal editor - Rent Apartmani.

A Sacen international tourism patrol, who decide the 'Golden Tourist Heart of South Eastern Europe' awards, toured Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Tunisia, Malta, and Greece.

The awards ceremony will take place in Belgrade on April 29.

DEVIL'S TOWN in #Serbia

DEVIL'S TOWN in #Serbia 

RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

Home Sweet Home #streetart in #belgrade , #serbia

Home Sweet Home #streetart in #belgrade , #serbia . See more at http://www.street.rs
RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

New ADA Bridge in #Belgrade , #Serbia

New ADA Bridge in #Belgrade , #Serbia

RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

35th BELGRADE FASHION WEEK // March 28 —April 4, 2014 // #Belgrade, #Serbia

35th BELGRADE FASHION WEEK // March 28 —April 4, 2014 // #Belgrade, #Serbia


 RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97


уторак, 11. март 2014.


We will see the latest automobile manufacturers from all over the world in the upcoming BELGRADE CAR SHOW 2014 from 14 March but one of the places you should also visit in #Belgrade is THE AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM, collection of Bratislav Petkovic in which the oldest automobile dates back to the 19th century.
#serbia #beograd #srbija

Najnovije automobile svetskih proizvođača videćemo na nastupajućem sajmu od 14. marta a podsetimo se da #Beograd ima Muzej Automobila zbirku Bratislava Petkovića kolekciju od nekoliko desetina automobila od kojih je najstariji čak iz 19.veka.
#Srbija   #Belgrade   #Serbia   

 RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

Belgrade Dance Festival 2014


Belgrade Dance Festival 2014 // 30 March - 14 April, 2014 // Various Locations
" ‪#‎Belgrade‬ Dance Festival is turning 10 years. This important jubilee offers an occasion to observe the historical journey that reveal the impressive growth that he has passed. Maybe more then any other festival in Europe, Belgrade Dance Festival knew to sense the changes and sensibility of our times, thanks to the cultural vision and initiative of the director Aja Jung, who with great courage and professionalism, became carrier of this changes and achieved international success for this event. We wish, as we say it in Italy "cento di questi giorni" (hundred of days like these) to the Belgrade Dance Festival. " Maria Luisa Buzzi | Danza e Danza, Milan

понедељак, 10. март 2014.

Portal RentApartmani obeležava 4 godine rada


Portal RentApartmani ove godine u aprilu obeležava četiri godine postojanja. Od osnivanja se bavi posredovanjem u iznajmljivanju apartmanskog smeštaja u Beogradu na kratak rok, nekoliko dana ili nedelja, a i iz godine u godinu uvećava ponudu apartmana za boravak turista, porodica i poslovnih ljudi u Beogradu.
"Za prethodne četiri godine koliko postojimo trudili smo se da našim gostima obezbedimo prvenstveno ugodan i pristupačan smeštaj u Beogradu. Istovremeno smo se trudili da uvećavamo ponudu isključivo proverenih i kvalitetnih apartmana u Beogradu. Danas je za razliku od vremena kada smo počinjali tržište  preplavljeno ponudom pa smo se odlučili da je kvalitet jedini kompas koji pratimo i to gosti prepoznaju. Smatram da će se u budućnosti ta orjentacija pokazati kao jedina moguća." kaže jedan od urednika portala Miloš Kraguljac.
Apartmanski smeštaj u Beogradu je poslednjih godina sve popularniji vid smeštaja svih posetilaca Beograda. Samo neki od razloga za to su komfor i cenovna pristupačnost.
"Gosti kada biraju apartman biraju ga po nekoliko kriterijuma ali kada je duži boravak u pitanju, definitvno je cena bila presudan faktor do sada. Uvek morate da pravite kompromise i zbog toga nam se gosti vraćaju."
U Beogradu je vidno povećan broj stranaca koji odsedaju u Beogradu i taj broj se iz godine u u godinu povećava.
"Istina je da je Beograd sve popularniji city-break grad i ja lično očekujem da će turistička organizacija Beograda napraviti određene korake po pitanju promocije i popularizacije Beograda van naših granica. Uveren sam da mi imamo kapaciteta da pokažemo sve kulturne i ostale vrednosti našeg glavnog grada."
Beograd je prošle godine proglašen evropskim gradom broj jedan koje treba posetiti u 2014. a da li će se prognoze i očekivanja ispuniti ostaje da se nadamo.

RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

Resonate 2014

Festival RESONATE 2014 in Belgrade


RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

Things to do in Belgrade, Serbia


RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

Belgrade's 10 Best Contemporary Art Galleries: Serbia's Cultural Identity


 RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

The smallest church in the world

The smallest church in the world is located in Serbia?

RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Beograd, Srbija
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

четвртак, 6. март 2014.


Belgrade Car Show 2014 // March 14-23, 2014 // at Belgrade Fair

An exhibiting/selling event – car show under the title BG Car Show includes all importers and wholesalers of passenger cars.
Complete offer of the leading worldwide car manufacturers to the local audience and prospect buyers is presented through unique scenery, with standard exhibiting spaces, furnished by Belgrade Fair.

Check events in Belgrade http://en.rentapartmani.com/visit-in-belgrade.html

среда, 5. март 2014.

Roman Well in Belgrade


#belgrade #serbia #romanwell #kalemegdan #rimskibunar #beograd #srbija #turizam

After 7 years of restoration Roman Well in Belgrade is opened for it's visitors.

The 'Roman Well' is located in the southwest part of the Upper Town within Kalemegdan fortress, though in truth the well really isn't Roman, at all.
More likely is that it was actually built in the 18th century by the Austrians and that the name could be connected to their ambition to be considered as the inheritors of the great Roman Empire
The place itself is very spooky, particularly because of the tales of prisoners being thrown down the hole during the uncivilized times throughout the Belgrade history.

See more places to visit in Belgrade http://en.rentapartmani.com/visit-in-belgrade.html

Apartment Accommodation in Belgrade 

RentApartmani Beograd
Vele Nigrinove 10, Srbija, Beograd
+381 63 330 017
+381 65 520 94 97

уторак, 4. март 2014.

Apartmani Beograd cenovnik cene


 Cene Apartmana u Beogradu, Apartmani beograd cene, apartmani u beogradu cene, smeštaj u beogradu cene, stan na dan u beogradu cenovnik, http://www.rentapartmani.com

понедељак, 3. март 2014.

Visit in Belgrade - Tašmajdan

Visit in Belgrade - Tašmajdan


EN // The word tašmajdan means rock quarry or rocky field in Turkish, therefore the entire neighbourhood, with the quarry itself, was named Tašmajdan. A graveyard was formed in the area during the eighteen-twenties, remaining there until 1886. Tašmajdan was designed as a city park by the general urbanist plan from 1950, with a sports and recreation centre at its lower end. The initial plans for part of the park were drawn by the architect Aleksandar Đorđević, while the horticultural plans were drawn by the engineer Vladeta Đorđević. The construction of the water cascades was cancelled during the works, replaced by floor greenery that represents the main motif of the park today.

SR // Reč tašmajdan, na turskom jeziku, znači kamenolom, kamenito polje, i zato se čitav kraj, sa majdanom, nazivao Tašmajdan.Na tom prostoru je krajem dvadesetih godina 19. veka formirano groblje koje je tu ostalo do 1886. godine. Generalnim urbanističkim planom iz 1950. godine Tašmajdan je uređen kao gradski park, u čijem se nižem delu nalazi sportsko-rekreativni centar. Prvobitni projekat za deo parka izradio je arhitekta Aleksandar Đorđević, a plan ozelenjavanja inženjer Vladeta Đorđević. Tokom radova odustalo se od vodenih kaskada, koje su zamenjene parternim zelenilom koje danas predstavlja glavni motiv parka.

See all places to visit in Belgrade at - http://en.rentapartmani.com/visit-in-belgrade.html
Pogledajte ostala mesta koje treba posetiti u Beogradu - http://www.rentapartmani.com/posetite-u-beogradu.html

RentApartmani BeogradVele Nigrinove 10, Belgrade, Serbia+381 63 330 017+381 65 520 94 97 http://www.rentapartmani.com

Guitar Art Festival Belgrade 2014


 #gaf #guitarartfestival #beograd #belgrade #serbia #srbija Guitar Art Festival // 11 - 16 March, 2014 // International Guitar Festival // www.gaf.rs/en //

Guitar Art Festival was founded in 2000 and today represents a professional and expert event that gathers classical guitarists of all kinds: amateurs, primary and secondary music schools pupils, students, as well as their teachers and professors and eminent guests, leading world guitarists. Apartmani u Beogradu - http://www.rentapartmani.com Smeštaj u Beogradu - http://www.rentapartmani.com RentApartmani Beograd Vele Nigrinove 10, Belgrade, Serbia +381 63 330 017 +381 65 520 94 97 http://www.rentapartmani.com